Buddhas Tree Pk9-18
The only Pk 9-18 soluble solution created in the UK. The Buddhas Tree formula promises to increase yield by at least 40%. The Buddhas Tree family have one of the worlds top 4 chemists working with them to create this brilliant product.
Buddhas Tree PK9-18 creates healthier roots on a plant by breaking down enzymes in its roots. This enables the plant to take up more nutrients.
Buddhas Tree PK 9-18 increases plant uptake of nutrient and the plants natural oils and sugars making the plant grow to its full potential, meaning heavier yields and more intensely potent crops. It achieves this by breaking down enzymes in the roots of the plant which creates healthier roots. This soluble solution also encourages more uptake of phosphorous and potassium which is great for your plants health and growth. Local customers who have had the pleasure of using this product have been amazed at the quality of their flowers, their only complaint was the massive increase in their plants natural odours, due to much stronger crops. But a strong scent is the sign of a healthy plant.